sunnuntai 24. maaliskuuta 2013


"Inhimillisessä kosketuksessa oli ollut sävähdys, kielletyn oloista iloa. Hän viipyi siinä, ei pystynyt karistamaan tuntemuksen haamua kehostaan. Oli kuin heidän välilleen olisi pakotettu hiuksenhieno yhteys, vahvistaen heidän uutta yhteisymmärrystään joksikin muuksi, joksikin mitä hän ei aivan kyennyt määrittelemään, joksikin mikä sai hänet helposti ärsyyntyväksi ja tasapainottomaksi. Joksikin, minkä ei olisi ikinä pitänyt olla olemassa heidän välillään." - Eclipse 

perjantai 22. maaliskuuta 2013

Shades Of Grey

It's funny somehow,
You're so opposite from me
You are the visionary of black to my delusory white
Which is a contradiction
In itself
You the are the authentic white
And I am the undeniable black.
Or so they say.
But it's more
Complicated then that.
Far more complicated.
The first time was a fluke
We were fighting
As always
And somehow
Some way
My lips brushed yours
And never
In all my life
Had I ever felt
Anything like that.
Like the calm before a storm
And the wildness during it
And the serenity afterwards.
An accident
---an undesirable or unfortunate happening that occurs unintentionally and usually results in harm, injury, damage, or loss; casualty; mishap.---
The second time
Was another fluke
Another accident
But it felt like before…
Like waiting for something wonderful
And then receiving it
And then basking in the outcome.
Still it was only
A mishap
---an unfortunate accident.---
The third time though
Everything blurred
And it was fast
But incredibly slow
Something that will always
Go on
But ended far to quickly.
You were so careful.
Like I would break.
A spark of lips
And a trace of skin
Clothes pulled off as if on fire
And then time slowed
And if the world were a "movie"
The camera angle would change
And it would circle around us
Taking in everything
That only makes sense when you experience it.
You pulled me to you
And we kissed.
---Oh god but how we kiss.
Like the world is ending.
Be it rough of soft
Biting of lush.
Always like the world
Will fall away.---
And then I was on my back,
Which is odd
For who I am.
But it felt right.
Right there.
You made me feel
But not less.
Like your equal.
You're so bloody
White that way.
And you moved down my body
And licked
And bit
Sucked and
My eyebrows
My eyelids
My cheeks
My chin
My neck
My chest
My stomach
My hips
My thighs
My knees
My calves
My ankles
---who knew that would be so sensual---
And even the arch of my foot.
Throw back my head and
Didn't seem to be enough
But that was all I could think to do.
And then you moved back up to
My finger-tips
My knuckles
---each one---
My palm
The back of my hand
Soft skin of my elbows
---turned out to be an stimulating spot for me---
My biceps
And my ears.
Merlin but my ears.
Were you to stay there long enough
I was certain I would have come
Right then and there.
Your hands gripped my shoulders
And hauled me up
---My back doing that
Arching move
You seem so very found of.---
My mouth sought yours,
And was found.
A gentle caress
Of the most strong muscle in the human body.
You nibbled at my
---soft pink –your words not mine---
Lower lip
And sucked it into your mouth.
---To this day you still swear nothing tastes sweeter then I do---
And then,
---Even now I never really feel you there
Not as if your preparing me anyway.---
You were inside of me.
The very part of you that makes you
All man.
Was inside of me.
And nothing
---on my oath of whatever you can trust me as---
ever felt, feels, that good.
That wonderful.
That uncomplicated complication.
That primitive modern
Surreal realistic…
My legs on your shoulders,
You gripping my thighs
Kissing my calf now and again
Sometimes as if it were my mouth.
Crystal sweat rolling down your chest,
The fire glinting off of it
As if to reflect it as
The most precious of stones
Or liquid clear life.
Breath hitching
Crying out
Useless words
For an act of
Golden skin,
Blazing eyes
And a smile
That I am certain had been hiding for years.
And it's returned
Gracing a face ---my face--- that was certain it would never grace.
Your throat arches,
That pretty smile
To an expression of almost lost bliss
Your eyes close
A word spills from your lips
One word
And it's my name.
And then
An explosion
Blasting into a million pieces
Knowing you'll catch every piece
And put me back together.
But not in the order of who I was
Some one better.
Some one more.
No more pure.
But even then I knew
I was just more.
Everytime after that,
It was different.
More experince,
More knowledge
Just more.
Never enough.
And the more there is.
The more we know.
And the more I find
There is no
visionary of black
delusory white
Nor is there
An authentic white
Or an
undeniable black.
We are the very
--- answer, characterization, clarification, explanation, individuation, interpretation, key, representation, solution, translation---
Shades of Gray.
We are,
Shades of Grey.