torstai 25. heinäkuuta 2013

Venus and Mars

Every woman has a male (Mars) energy inside of her. Just as every man has a female (Venus) energy inside of him.
The placement of Venus in a woman’s chart shows you how that woman needs to be loved. For example, if a woman has Venus in Gemini, she likes lots of communication. She operates from needing a mental connection. If it is in Leo, she needs dramatic expressions of love, and some degree of luxury for good measure. 
Each Zodiac sign signifies a different approach to the woman’s basic love nature. 

For a man, his Venus shows you what type of female he is attracted to. So, if he has Venus in Scorpio, he needs someone who is comfortable with his eroticism.  If he has Venus in Libra, he wants a woman who is very refined and classy. You can see how useful this information is! If you are not feeding your partner’s basic love nature (which might be very different from your own) then things can get rocky. 

Mars in a woman’s chart shows you what type of man turns her on. If a woman has Mars in Aries, she needs a fiery athletic man. If she has Mars in Pisces, she requires a man who is soft and gentle.    
Always remember, Mars represents male energy and how one moves forward in life. Venus represents the female energy and how we want to express love. 

Your Mars, both in sign and aspects, also shows how your sexual energy is stimulated.
I mentioned that Mars in a woman’s chart shows what type of man she is physically attracted to.  Mars in a man’s chart will show how he will want to assert his masculinity, and impress someone.  For example, take Mars in Gemini in a man’s chart.  How might someone like this try to impress you?  In a Gemini way!  He’d love to use words, and his intellect, to cleverly seduce you.  If a man has Mars in Leo, he might try to impress you in a dramatic Leo style, such as, “Let’s go to the Four Seasons for dinner!”  So remember that Venus has more to do with your emotional needs and Mars is more about your physical needs.


keskiviikko 10. heinäkuuta 2013

Ja olet elossa

"Kriisiä toisensa jälkeen. Mieli muuttuu kuin tuuliviiri. Usein tuntuu ettet tiedä kuka olet. Muut ihmiset näyttävät silmissäsi joko pahoilta tai hyviltä, välimaastoa ei ole, kaikki on niin mustavalkoista. Tuntuu, että olet usein joko ahdistunut, masentunut tai vihainen. Vasta painoksi taas impulsiivinen ja vauhdikas. Ääripäitä. Takerrut ihmisiin joko täysin tai työnnät heidät mahdollisimman kauas itsestäsi. Ristiriitoja on joka puolella. Muistisi on alkanut pätkiä. Olet hämmentynyt ettet pysty muistamaan yksinkertaisiakaan asioita samalla tavalla kuin ennen. Kaadat viskiä taas kurkusta alas, hetken ajan haluat vain unohtaa. Humalassa kaikki on helpompaa. Kun viina on tarpeeksi noussut päähäsi isket tämän illan säädön. Harrastat merkityksetöntä seksiä, joka sillä hetkellä tuntuu hyvältä sekä hauskalta. Jälkeen päin rankaiset itseäsi taas siitä. Olosi tuntuu sietämättömältä sekä yksinäiseltä jälleen. Huomaat taas pian löytäväsi itsesi hänen syleilystä. Miten päädyt aina tähän vain uudestaan?"

"Maailmasi näyttää valoisalta pitkästä aikaa. Kuin olisit herännyt pitkästä talviunesta. Aikaa on kulunut jo yli vuosi. Miten päädyit pohjalta takaisin elävien kirjoihin? Kysyt sitä varmasti itseltäsi usein ja tiedät myös siihen vastauksen. Kaiken sen ajan kun välttelit ihmisiä ettet tulisi hylätyksi ja tunsit itsesi yksinäiseksi, et kuitenkaan ollut yksin. Sinulla oli aina se yksi ihminen vierelläsi, joka menisi vaikka läpi tulen, kiven ja jään pelastaakseen sinut." 

"Näe minut, minä olen todellinen minäsi, joka puhuu sinulle. Kuule minut, minä kerron sinulle totuuden. Usko minua, koska minä en koskaan hylkäisi sinua niin kuin sairautesi, joka istuttaa sinulle vääristyneitä ja myrkyllisiä ajatuksia tajuntaasi. Löydä oma sisäinen äänesi. Pystyt ihan mihin vain jos vain uskot itseesi."

~ Ja olet elossa

maanantai 8. heinäkuuta 2013


"Draco is the kind of person who would play his cards close to his chest when it comes to expressing feelings, but Harry on the other hands knows him so well it wouldn't be an issue for him to see the real feelings Draco has."  

The air shifts as you come up behind me. I sense the warmth of your hand before it comes to rest tentatively on my shoulder. I should shrug you off, but I don't. I take what comfort I can from a simple touch, though I'll never let you see it.

"It was like one of his fantasies come true, which made it feel less than real but more than perfect."

sunnuntai 7. heinäkuuta 2013

Castor and Pollux

The symbol for Gemini is a pair of twin boys.

The model for Gemini is the twin sons of the Spartan queen, Leda - Pollux and Castor. The two, despite being twins, have different fathers, with a peculiar back-story. Zeus was in love with the beautiful queen Leda, so he transformed into a swan to seduce her. They made love, making Leda pregnant with Zeus’ son. However, she also slept with her husband the same night, leading to her being pregnant with another son. Thus, Pollux was born an immortal demigod with the blood of Zeus, while Castor was born a mere human. Despite this, the two had exceptional brotherly love for each other and would do everything together. 

Pollux possessed great physical strength, while Castor possessed great ingenuity. But one day, Castor died from a fight,causing great despair for Pollux. No matter how hard he tried, he could not kill himself due to his immortality. He cried out to Zeus: “If I cannot be with my brother, then I do not want to be immortal". Zeus, taking pity on the two and admiring their love for each other, offered to halve Pollux’s immortality and share it with Castor. This is how they became a bright constellation in the night sky, side-by-side.

Gemini is a dual sign and needs focus in order to resolve the apparent dual natures of their being, as illustrated in the myth of Castor and Pollux. It is only apparent: this is not like the situation with Pisces where the two fish are bound together and swimming in different directions. Although one is an equestrian and the other a pugilist, the Gemini twins are inseparable and move as one.

keskiviikko 3. heinäkuuta 2013

Adrenalize Me

"It is very endearing - letting someone look into your heart from behind."  

"To know it is to be fearless, and to know it is to be full of love."